Important Parish Notices


Dates for the Diary

Tuesday 23rd April 2024:  Confirmation in St Joseph’s Church at 5.00

Saturday 4th May 2024:  First Holy Communion for Boys and Girls of P4 in St Joseph’s PS in  St Joseph’s Church at 11.00 am
Saturday 11th May 2024:  First Holy Communion for the boys and girls of P4 in St Mary’s PS in  St Mary’s  Church at 11.00 am




There are a number of these bins in the car-parks of St Joseph’s Hall and St Mary’s Church. At times people are dumping bags of clothing AROUND THE OUTSIDE OF THE BIN instead of in it.  This is unsightly and may attract vermin. Please only deposit items in the bin and if it is too full please come back at another time or try another location.




Many people within our community are facing a cost of living crisis.  Kildress Health Matters are currently running a support voucher scheme.  Vouchers worth £25 are issued and can be spent in our local shops:  Loughran’s Shop, Dunamore; Dolan’s Shop, Drum Rd; Braeside Vivo, Orritor.

( Vouchers may not be used for tobacco, vapes or alcohol )

If anyone would like to avail of the voucher scheme please contact Kildress Health Matters as above



When booking anniversaries please book them in the Sacristy of the Church where you wish the anniversary Mass to be celebrated, or by leaving the notification through the letter box of the Parochial House in Killeenan   Mark the envelope Anniversary.


Emergency Loans

The Board of Directors has introduced an Emergency Loan facility, whereby members can apply for up to £1,000 at a lower interest rate of 6%, to be repaid over a maximum of 9 months. It is intended that this loan should be for items such as oil, coal, repairs etc. However, each emergency situation will be considered on its own merits. In order to apply for an emergency loan please contact the office staff who will help you complete your application. A decision will be issued as soon as possible, normally within 24 hours, depending upon the day the application is made.


Most members of Kildress Credit Union Ltd are eligible for Death Benefit Insurance  ( £2,000 ) but there are certain parameters. Please check with the office to see if you  qualify.    Also, have you nominated a beneficiary in respect of your Credit Union shares?  If not, or if you are not sure, please contact the office for more details.




Please continue to check for updates on this site.